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The BondMachine project source file are hosted on GitHub as the BondMachineHQ organization.

The two most important repositories are the BondMachine repository that contains the project source code.

And the Projects repository that contains tested examples of BondMachine that can be built for specific devices.

Other public repositories are:

bmapiaximmtransceiver     Transceiver-like module for AXI Memory Mapped BMAPI
bmapiuarttransceiver     Transceiver-like module for UART BMAPI
bmexamples     BondMachine examples, demos and tutorials
bmhelper     A tool to help users in creating and configuring projects using the BondMachine framework
bmresources     Resources used by bmhelper internally
bondmachine_ebaz4205_buildroot     BR2 directory for ebaz4205, the repo is not meant to be used directly. It is used internally by the BondMachine makefilles to create images with buildroot
bondmachine_ebaz4205_buildroot_example     Buildroot on Ebaz4205. How to create from scratch a complete BondMachine accelerated buildroot image for the Ebaz4205 board
bondmachine_zedboard_buildroot     BR2 directory for zedboard. the repo is not meant to be used directly. It is used internally by the BondMachine makefilles to create images with buildroot
bondmachine_zedboard_buildroot_example     Buildroot on Zedboard. How to create from scratch a complete BondMachine accelerated buildroot image for the Zedboard
kserve-bond-extension     Project that extends KServe predictors
kserve-ui     Dynamic KServe User Interface
ml-ebaz4205     Machine Learning with HLS4ML and BM on ebaz4205
ml-zedboard     Machine Learning with HLS4ML and BM on zedboard
pybondmachine     pybondmachine is the Python library designed to streamline the development of FPGA accelerators through the use of the BondMachine framework.



To install the framework use the installer script downloadable from the web site. It contains all the tools and can be used on every system.

To get the framework choose the directory where the binaries have to be installed. The directory has to be writable and inserted in the user’s $PATH. There is no need of superuser access but the user has to have the rights to use the specific FPGA tools and board programming. Set the environment variable BONDMACHINE_DIR to point to this directory:

export BONDMACHINE_DIR=[the choosen directory]

and execute the install script with the bash shell:

bash <(curl -fsSL http://bondmachine.fisica.unipg.it/installer/install)

A similar uninstall script exists:

bash <(curl -fsSL http://bondmachine.fisica.unipg.it/installer/uninstall)

The install/uninstall script just copy/remove the framework executables, no other files are needed.

From sources

If you want to compile the framework from sources, you need to install the following tools:

  • Go (version 1.21 or higher) is needed to compile the framework. The go language is used to write the framework and to compile the tools.

  • Nodejs (version 16 or higher) is needed to compile the bmhelper tool. The bmhelper tool is used to assist the user in the creation of the BondMachine projects.


Clone the bmhelper repo at https://github.com/BondMachineHQ/bmhelper and compile the tool.

git clone https://github.com/BondMachineHQ/bmhelper.git

Move within the newly create bmhelper directory and execute npm to install the dependencies and compile the tool.

cd bmhelper
npm i 
npm run compile && npm run build

The bmhelper tool is now available in the pkg_out directory.

BondMachine framework

Clone the main repo at https://github.com/BondMachineHQ/BondMachine.git.

git clone https://github.com/BondMachineHQ/BondMachine.git

Move within the newly create BondMachine directory and execute make to build all the tools.

cd BondMachine ; make


The check that the framework is correctly installed and that all the needed tools are available, execute the command bmhelper doctor. It should print an output similar to the following:

$ bmhelper doctor
 [ OK ]          Mandatory dependency found: make
 [ OK ]          Mandatory dependency found: dot
 [ OK ]          Mandatory dependency found: curl
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool basm found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool bmanalysis found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool bmnumbers found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool bmstack found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool bondgo found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool bondmachine found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool melbond found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool neuralbond found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool procbuilder found
 [ OK ]          BondMachine tool simbox found
 [ OK ]          All BondMachine tools has been found.
 [ WARNING ]     Optional tool found: vivado
 [ WARNING ]     Optional tool found: icepack
 [ WARNING ]     Optional tool not found: yosis
 [ WARNING ]     Optional tool not found: quartus
 [ OK ]          Dependencies checked

If some of the prerequisites are missing, the framework will not work correctly. Install the missing ones according to the distro you are using and repeat the check. The optional tools are needed only for specific boards, so if you don’t have the board, you can ignore the warning. At this point the framework is ready to be used.


A BondMachine project is a directory that contains all the necessary files to generate the firmware for a specific board. The project is created with the bmhelper create command line tool, which is installed with the BondMachine framework. It is configured using a Kconfig file, with commands similar to the Linux kernel (for example: make menuconfig). It is then validated and completed with the bmhelper validate and bmhelper apply commands. Once the project is applied, it is possible to generate the firmware and make all the other operations with the make command and several targets.

Project workflow

The project workflow is divided into several steps:

  • project creation
  • project configuration
  • project validation
  • project apply
  • make targets execution

Project creation

An enpty project can be created with the following command:

bmhelper create --project_name project_test

This command will create a project with the name project_test in the current directory. The project will be created with the default configuration. The default configuration is defined in the bmhelper tool and can be changed with the make menuconfig command (or any other command that can be used to configure the Kconfig file).

Additionally, the bmhelper create command can be used to create a project starting from a working example. To get the list of available examples, use the following command:

bmhelper create --list-examples

To duplicate an example, use the following command:

bmhelper create --project_name project_test --example example_name

where example_name is the name of an example in the list of examples.

Project configuration

The project configuration is defined in the Kconfig file. The Kconfig file is a text file that defines the configuration possibilities of the project. It is similar to the Kconfig file used in the Linux kernel. With a kconfig compatible tool the Kconfig file can be used to generate the specific configuration.

For example, the make menuconfig command will open a menu that allows you to configure the project. The menu is similar to the menu used to configure the Linux kernel. The menu is divided into several sections. Each section contains a set of configuration. The details of each configuration are described in the help of the menu. The menu is used to configure the .config file. The .config file is used by the project Makefile to configure the project and carry out the operations.

make menuconfig

If preffered, it is possible to use a local.mk file to configure the project. The local.mk file is a text file that defines the configuration of the project directly specifying the variables. The project Makefile created by bmhelper will either use the .config file or the local.mk file to configure the project. The .config file has priority over the local.mk file. The local.mk file is useful when you want to configure the project with a script or with a tool that does not support the .config file.

Details on the configuration variables are described in the Configuration variables section.

Project validation

The bmhelper tool can be used to validate the project configuration. The validation is performed with the following command:

make validate

The validation process checks the configuration variables and the project files. For each one of them the following color codes are used:

  • green : the variable or file is present and valid
  • yellow : the (optional) variable or file is not present
  • magenta : the (mandatory) variable or file is not present but bmhelper can create it with default values
  • red : the (mandatory) variable or file is either not present or invalid

Project apply

The project configuration is applied with the following command:

make apply

The apply process creates the project files and directories. The files and directories are created in the working directory. The working directory is defined by the WORKING_DIR variable. The default working directory is the current directory. For the items marked as magenta in the validation process, the apply process will ask for confirmation before creating the file or directory with the default values. For the items marked as red in the validation process, the apply process will fail.

Firmware generation and other targets

After creating and appling a project, you can use the make command to generate firmware and perform other operations. The make command can be used with several targets. The targets are defined in the Makefile file and are described in the following sections.

make bondmachine

Create the Bondmachine and all its connecting processors.
You can view a diagram of the Bondmachine just created with the following instructions:
make show

Use graphviz to visualize the architecture generated. 
make hdl

Generate the source HDL code (i.e. working_dir/bondmachine.sv, working_dir/bondmachine.vhd)

The first workflow commands are:

make synthesis

Start the project synthesis
make implementation

Start the project implementation
make bitstream

Start the project bitstream generation
make program

program the board if connected

The second workflow commands are:

make design_synthesis

Start the project synthesis
make design_implementation

Start the project implementation
make design_bitstream

Start the project bitstream generation
make kernel_module

Create the kernel module which runs on custom buildroot linux distribution
make buildroot

Create the custom buildroot linux sdcard-image.

Configuration variables

Wether you are reading variables from the Kconfig file or from the .mk files, the syntax is the same. The following is the list of the most commonly used variables:

Variable type description
ALTERA_BOARD_MAX1000 KConfig Only Board selection max1000
ALTERA_BOARD_DE0NANO KConfig Only Board selection de0nano
BASM_DEBUG boolean enable or not debug of basm
BM_REGRESSION KConfig Only missing
BOARD KConfig Only Board type
BOARDLESS_PROJECT KConfig only enable or not debug of basm
GENERAL_TYPE KConfig only general project type
GENERAL_TYPE_BOARDLESS KConfig only project without board
GENERAL_TYPE_BOARD KConfig only project with board
HDL_REGRESSION filename missing
PROJECT_TYPE_BONDGO KConfig Only BondGo project
PROJECT_TYPE_NEURALBOND KConfig Only Neural Network project
PROJECT_TYPE_MELBOND KConfig Only Melbond project
PROJECT_TYPE_BASM KConfig Only sBASM project
PROJECT_TYPE_MULTI KConfig Only Root project aggregator for multiple project
MULTI_TARGET string Target to exec in case of multiple projects
MULTI_TYPE string Type of aggregation
MULTI_TEMPLATE_DIR directory directory of template to clone
MULTI_TEMPLATE_DESC filename multifilename description json file
LATTICE_BOARD_ICE40LP1K Kconfig Only Board selection Lattice ice40lp1k
LATTICE_BOARD_ICEFUN Kconfig Only Board selection Lattice icefun
LATTICE_BOARD_ICEBREAKER Kconfig Only Board selection Lattice icebreaker
LATTICE_BOARD_ICESUGARNANO Kconfig Only Board selection Lattice icesugarnano
SELECT_PROJECT_TYPE KConfig Only select project type
SELECT_TOOLCHAIN KConfig Only select toolchain
SELECT_XILINX_BOARD KConfig Only select board
REGRESSION_TEST KConfig Only missing description
REGRESSION_TEST_BM KConfig Only missing
REGRESSION_TEST_HDL KConfig Only missing
REGRESSION_TEST_SIM KConfig Only missing
ROOTDIR string Directory storing the board-specific files
SIM_REGRESSION KConfig Only missing
SOURCE_GO filename bondgo source
SOURCE_NEURALBOND filename neuralbond source file
SOURCE_MELBOND filename melnond source file
SOURCE_BASM filenames basm source file
TOOLCHAIN string FPGA tools
TOOLCHAIN_ALTERA Kconfig Only select altera toolchain
TOOLCHAIN_LATTICE Kconfig Only select lattice toolchain
TOOLCHAIN_XILINX Kconfig Only select xilinx toolchain
UART_MAPFILE filename support for UART
UART_SUPPORT boolean support for UART
WORKING_DIR directory Working directory path
XILINX_BOARD_BASYS3 Kconfig Only Board selection basys3
XILINX_BOARD_ZEDBOARD KConfig Only Board selection zedboard
XILINX_BOARD_ZC702 KConfig Only Board selection zc702
XILINX_BOARD_KC705 KConfig Only Board selection kc705
XILINX_BOARD_EBAZ4205 KConfig Only Board selection ebaz4205








The framework is composed by several packages. Some of these can be used standalone for other project. This is a list of the packages and their documentation: